Tag Archives: king’s rules

September 2012 Event: King’s Rules

Can’t wait for the September events? Here’s another one to drum up that excitement. The King of WYD wants you to follow his commands. Can you give him what he’s asking for? Will you be the loyal servant that brings honor to the WYD world? If you can, expect not only great acclaim, but also a showering of wealth to befall upon you.

To learn more about “King’s Rules,” please refer to the event banner below for details.

Should be an easy game for a lot of you guys. Well, it depends if the King will make it easy or not. I’m fairly confident though that a lot of you will pass these trials. Please the King as best as you can and I’m sure you’ll not only be his trusted companion, but you will also be benefiting from the royal gifts that he will grant upon you.

Follow and you shall receive with “King’s Rules”!